Sunday, May 29, 2016

✰ [Sheet Mask Review] Mirum ♥ Collagen Real Nature Mask Pack (Mask 4 of 5)✰

Hi everyone!~ I'm back with another sheet mask review provided by Skin18! This will be the fourth sheet mask from the first package that I received and after this one I'll have one more to review for you. ♥ For those who haven't read my previous posts from Skin18 or don't know what Skin18 is, it's an online beauty website selling a large variety of Asian skincare products and they also provide subscription boxes! They have a ton of useful information about skincare questions people may have, so feel free to check out their shop here if you are interested in purchasing any of their products or want to learn more about skincare!

Today I'll be reviewing a sheet mask with the main ingredient being collagen called Collagen Real Nature Mask Pack for hydrated skin from the brand Mirum (미룸 콜라겐 마스크팩). My face was getting a little dry lately from the hot weather so I thought this would be a perfect night to use this since I was in real need of a hydrating mask! ♡

                                                     ✰ Description of the Product ✰

This sheet mask's main ingredient is collagen and collagen is an important ingredient as it's known to help the skin regain health and energy. A lot of Korean skincare has a main ingredient of collagen, such as the Etude House collagen line. I reviewed one of the Etude House collagen products here if you're interested in reading it! This sheet mask is really interesting as it's a natural cotton crosel sheet and according to, this type of sheet mask is made from 100% natural cotton so that it's able to hold onto the face securely. This type of mask also allows the essence ingredients from the mask to absorb completely into the face. Stated directly from 

                                    The characteristics of Natural Cotton Mask as follow:

                                          ⋆ The essence absorption effect is upgraded.
                                          ⋆ Instantly improves skin's hydration contents.
                                          ⋆ Excellent essence absorption ability.
                                          ⋆ Outstanding attachment performance.

Please click this link here if you're interested in reading more about the qualities of this sheet mask on the site! This sheet mask comes with 21 ml of product and costs $0.95 on the Skin18 website, so this mask is very affordable and inexpensive!

The back of the package is all in Korean, but there is a small diagram on what to do and how long to leave the mask on for. Applying the mask should be pretty much self explanatory, but the only downside to this package is just not understanding the qualities of the mask if you cannot read Korean. The top of the package states 천연순면 크로셀 시트 and it states Natural Cotton Crosel Sheet. A helpful breakdown of this sentence will allow you to look for keywords when reading sheet mask packaging only in Korean.

천연순면 = Natural Cotton (천연 [chun-yeon] = natural), (순면 [soon-myeon] = cotton)
크로셀 [keu-ro-sel] = Crosel
시트 [si-teu] = Sheet

                                                ✰ What is This Product Meant For? ✰

This sheet mask is meant to hydrate your skin with the help of the main ingredient collagen. It can be used for all skin types and the natural cotton will help attach to the face a lot better than a normal sheet mask. This sheet mask will also help for dry and tired skin, so it would be a perfect mask to rejuvenate your skin! 

                                                               ✰ How to Use 

Before using this mask, cleanse your face thoroughly. recommends to use toner on your face before applying the mask. Remove the mask from the package and carefully unfold. Apply the mask on your face and smooth out any mask wrinkles so that the mask can cover all parts of your face. If there leftover essence from your hands, massage it on your arms, neck, or legs. The package recommends to leave the mask on for about 15-20 minutes, but I usually leave it on for a lot longer (maybe around ~30-40 minutes). When finished, remove the mask and massage any remaining essence from the mask onto your neck. Be sure to also pat the remaining essence from the package on your face and arms too. This mask contained a decent amount of extra essence so I was able to use the rest for my face. Since these masks contain essence, I usually skip my nightly essence and move straight to my emulsion and then my night cream. 

                                                              ✰ Ingredients 

As stated before, the main ingredient for this mask is collagen and this sheet mask also doesn't contain any mineral oil or artificial pigments. According to, all of the ingredients for this mask range from a low safety level of green to yellow, which is good as long as it doesn't have a red safety level (meaning the safety is high and should take caution when using). Most of the ingredients have a green safety level, so everything should generally be safe to use. Although it states green to yellow safety levels, you should always take caution when using new products because everyone's skin might react to different things. Other ingredients to take note of is methylparaben, triethanolamine, and some people might have irritation from fragrance. 

Always check the ingredients list on to see if the mask contains ingredients you might be allergic to. Stop using the mask if it causes break-outs or irritation! Feel free to check out the safety levels for the rest of the ingredients on here.~ 

                                                             ✰ My Review 

This mask is by far my favorite sheet mask that I've used! The mask seemed like a perfect fit on my face and the scent was a light fresh and floral scent. What I loved the most about this mask was how soft it was and it was really interesting to see how the mask looked like it was woven with the cotton. I've never used a sheet mask like this before where it's woven with material, so this was a fun experience for me. After taking the mask off, my face instantly looked a lot brighter than it was before I used the mask and it kept my face hydrated all night long even until the next morning. My face also felt softer and didn't give me a dull look. This package came with a decent amount of extra essence, it didn't make the mask dripping essence when removed from the package and there was enough leftover to pat on the face. The essence was a clear color and quite watery, but it absorbed really well and it didn't take long to allow the essence to dry on my face. After applying the remaining essence, it was quite sticky but the stickyness went away after a while. This sheet mask didn't cause any irritation to my face or cause acne, so I'll definitely come back to this mask again in the future! 

                                                          ✰ Pros and Cons 


💕 Instant brightening and hydrated face after use, face also felt softer!
💕 Price is very affordable
💕 Essence absorbed quickly
💕 Relaxing fresh scent
💕 Doesn't contain ingredients such as mineral oil or artificial pigments
💕 Perfect fit for my face!
💕 No irritation or allergic reactions and no break-outs


💕 Contains harsh ingredients such as methylparaben and triethanolamine

                                                               ✰ Rating 

                                                😻😻😻😻😻 / 5

                                              ✰ Would I Recommend and Repurchase? 

Yes!! I would recommend this sheet mask to anyone looking for healthy looking skin, softer face, and well hydrated throughout the night. This mask was also really soft to use since it's made out of cotton and it fit my face really well. Although it contains ingredients such as methylparaben and triethanolamine, I feel like the pros definitely outweigh the cons, so I would use this mask again in the future! The mask lived to do what it claimed and it's very inexpensive so it would be a great purchase. This mask might not be suitable for those sensitive to fragrance, so please take caution before using. Even for people sensitive to fragrance, it's only lightly scented so it's not too strong and after a while it becomes unnoticeable ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ

Thank you for reading my review on this super soft and amazing sheet mask! If you plan on purchasing this mask, I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did ♥ Also, thanks to Skin18 for providing this mask for me to test and review! I have one more mask to review for you from Skin18 and I'll try to post it really soon! Finals are coming up next week, so I'll work hard on posting more reviews as soon as possible. Thank you for waiting, I promise I'll post reviews a lot faster once summer starts!~ 

✰ If you are interested in checking out Skin18's website or purchasing any of their skincare products, click here and you should be redirected to their site! You can also click on the banner to the side of the post~ ✰

♡ M. Kitty ♡


  1. Thank you for sharing this useful blog. Collagen sheets are very useful for skin treatment. Cure your skin burns by collagen sheets for burns.

  2. Thank you for sharing this blog. This is one of the most interesting blog. I gather lot of information about collagen sheets from this blog.
